Monday, July 20, 2009

R3 P2 Day 1 of VLCD

Okay, well here I go again. I want to get that last 10-15 pounds off so I decided to do a short 23 day round before the end of summer. I had thought about at the end of summer, but I have some traveling to do then and wanted to be done before that happened.

Today is my first VLCD and I feel good. I only gained 3.8 pounds on my two load days which isn't bad considering the crap I was eating. I had pizza, bacon, eggs, cheese, nuts, sour cream, ice cream.

It is tough going from eating whatever you like to being very strict, but I know this works and am putting my faith back into the protocol. We'll see where the scale lands tomorrow.

This round I decided to drink extra water just to see if it helps get rid of the extra weight a little faster. Just a little research for future individuals. I know water is important and I drank a minimum of 1/2 my body weight during my other two rounds, but this time, I'm upping that consumption to see if it helps.

Each time I have been very committed to the original protocol and not cheating. I really believe you have to be in the right mind set for this protocol. Without the right mind set, this protocol can plan on your mental because of the ups and downs and stalls and strict eating then adding food back in and then eating like a "skinny" person, it really is a mind game more than anything and you have to be ready for it or you will not make it through all the phases.

Well I'll be posting daily for the next 26 days through this round.

Keep smiling!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back to P2.. by the way you look awesome in your new photo!!
