Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Maintenance Day 19

Well only two days left. Yesterday I added in some sugar free pudding, extra cheese, almond slivers and some pork. The scale stayed the same. Which is good news. I even went out to lunch and had a Chicken Spinach Caeser Salad. Didn't eat the croutons which was tough. But only a couple more days. It was all well worth it. I have people tell me how great I good and that is a great feeling. I would like to lose another 10 pounds but I'm going to wait until the end of summer to do a short round. I want to enjoy my summer time before diving back into the 500 calories.

I've been really trying to push the water as well, and I'm pretty sure that was my issue in the beginning of this phase with my overages, because since I upped my water, weight has been stable.

I'll probably not right for a couple of days until after I have my first real starch and see what the scale does, so for now, talk to you in a couple of days.

Just a reminder. HCG is a miracle and it is a cure. I'm so glad I was told about it and I'm making sure to tell everyone about it. It certainly has been an amazing journey since January 19, 2009 when I started this adventure. I went from a size 16 to a size 6 and that feels good. Or as everyone says nothing feels good as THIN!

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