Thursday, August 27, 2009

Close but no Steak Day

I had a "No Sugar Added" Dilly Bar from Dairy Queen yesterday and then last night had some Carb Comfort Ice Cream. I was craving ice cream for some reason. And this morning was pushing the 2 pounds above LIW. I was a little nervous, but it is not over so I'm going to go have a chicken salad at lunch, I brought some hard boiled eggs for a snack later today and had two eggs with cheese this morning. I am going to make pork chops and some veggies for dinner, and lay off the extras right now. I didn't get in my 3 liters of water yesterday either, so that could be part of it, so I'll up my water to 3+ liters and see where the scale falls tomorrow.

Well I'm off to lunch. Everyone have a great day and Keep Smiling! Life is good.

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