Wednesday, May 13, 2009

2nd day of 72 hours after shot (-.6) (-20.6)

Never thought that I would lose a little after I was done, but I know the day before I didn't get enough water in and now my body is just releasing it.

OMG! For all those Biggest Loser fans, did you watch the finale? WOW! They all looked amazing. I was really wanting Mike to win, but all three did a fabulous job. I was really impressed with "Grandpa Jerry".

It is inspiring to see the changes inside of them as well as the outside. We all have to make those changes inside so our outsides don't go back to the way they were.

I hear people talk about while they are on the protocol, "I can't wait to eat pizza, or cake, or whatever." In moderation is fine, but we really need to have a real sit down talk with ourselves and know that those are the things that made us fat in the beginning. I've realized that whole grains, brown rice, etc. is my route and still will only be on occassion. I can still bake but now I can make it healthier by not using white flour and sugar. This is a lifestyle change, not a diet that I go back to the old habits. So from now on, I will consider everything that goes in my mouth and how it will affect my body. Eating healthy shouldn't be a punishment, but a reward for my hardwork and devotion to get this new body.

Keep smiling!!!!


  1. I love what you said about the changes we need to make in how we think about food long term... so true! And I don't think we need to feel deprived... we can have occasional treats... and there are lots and lots of yummy choices that are also healthy. Its just a shift in lifestyle and priorities.

  2. I absolutely totally agree with everything you said in this post.. loved BL last night... was hoping for Mike too... yes, some of the comments on the forum about eating junk food in the future bother me too.... I'm sooo far from perfect, but I realize that in order to support a new body, I'll have to live a new lifestyle. still working on it!

  3. Good attitude! I was rooting for Tara, she was so focused and worked so hard. Did you see her pulling that car? Amazing! I kind of got ticked at Helen when she cheated Tara out of the $10,000 she rightfully earned in the half marathon, by tacking on 5 minutes to Tara's time. They ALL were winners though, and you could see how happy they were. It's not just about losing the shows the strength they developed INSIDE! Very inspiring. This was the first year I watched and now I'm hooked. PS: Are your hips really 33" or was that a typo? Congratulations on two very successful rounds!
