Monday, May 11, 2009

R2 Day 38 VLCD (-.4) (-20)

Okay, one shot left in the morning. I finally hit the 20 pound mark. That makes my total for both rounds 45 pounds.

I have to brag on my son for a minute. On Saturday he was shooting for a qualifying spot on the National 4-H Archery Team. AND OH YEAH!!!! He made 4th overall and was selected as the 4th member of the team. He also received 3rd place in the 3-D shoot. Unfortunately, the Nationals is the last week of June at which time he will be in Finland for 4-H. He gave his spot to the next person. He was excited that he made the team, but okay with giving up his position knowing he was going to Finland.

Anyways, I better get to work. I will have final numbers (weight, inches, etc.) tomorrow for everyone. Have a good day! Hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day.

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