Tuesday, May 5, 2009

R2 Day 32 VLCD (-.6) (-18.2)

OH YEAH!!!!! My body must have recovered and the scale is moving down again.

Another big one, I'm officially out of the 140's. I weighed in at 139.6 this morning. I'm hoping to make it to 135 by the end of this round. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and drinking extra water to help flush the pounds.

Not much else going on except this weekend I'll be traveling to my parent's home. My daughter lives in the same town and I'm bringing her a new batch so she can start her second round. I hope she does as well this time as she did the first round. My son is also going with me this weekend so he can do his 4-H archery shoot to qualify for Nationals. If he makes it to Nationals he won't be able to go because it is at the same time when he goes to Finland, but he wants to shoot anyways so he knows what Nationals is all about and what he needs to work on for next year.

Well til tomorrow.


  1. Congratulations on the 130's! I can't wait to get to where you are!

  2. Congratulations! I'm right behind you! I just hit the 130's on Wednesday! It's a beautiful number, isn't it?
