Wednesday, May 6, 2009

R2 Day 33 VLCD (-.4) (-18.4)

Not sure where I messed up on my total weight loss, but it should be -18.4 today not -18.6. No biggie. Now a pound off, I would be upset but .2 of a pound, no problemo.

Things are still looking good to make it to 135 by the end of this round. I've been losing consistently so I'm okay with my loss this time around. Everyone always wishes they would lose more. Sometimes I think we sabbotage ourselves because we didn't meet our "goal". We need to be happy with what we have accomplished and be greatful for the years we just added back to our lives.

Any Biggest Loser fans, did you watch last night. Now that is determination on Ron's part to walk with bad knees a Marathon. AMAZING! How inspiring to keep going and not feel sorry for ourselves. I can't wait for next week for the FINALE!

Keep positive.


  1. Oh how I love the BL.... I can relate on so many levels... thanks for the comment on getting caught up on our #'s... some days I find myself calculating possible LIW's for this round.. must let it go!!

  2. I'm a big fan too! It is very inspiring to me. I NEVER would have bet that Ron would complete the marathon. True grit! This was my first season watching, and I'm afraid I'm hooked!
