Wednesday, April 29, 2009

R2 Day 26 VLCD (-.6) (-16.8)

I'm happy with that loss.

I baked cupcakes and made spaghetti sauce last night for the 4-H Teen Retreat. The cupcakes didn't bother me, it was the spaghetti sauce. I love homemade Italian sauce. But I didn't waiver. I only have a couple more weeks and I can move on to maintenance.

This second round has been harder for me than I expected. I knew the eating would be easier because know exactly what I can eat to lose, but knowing what I cannot have right now and looking so forward to eating a variety of foods together is the hardest.

I guess I'm just having one of my pity parties for myself today. I've lost 42.8 pounds between the two rounds which is amazing. And I need to remember I haven't been at this weight for over 9 years. While watching the Biggest Loser last night and seeing that losing weight gives you years back to your life was inspiring and a good swift kick in the butt for me. I now know I've given myself years back by doing this protocol and getting healthy. Which is the most important part.

Til tomorrow.

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